Monday, July 27, 2009
Paralysis overcome!
After my mother finally calmed me, I made rapid process on the wedding dress. Jim spent all afternoon and evening with his best man having much needed male bonding time (aka the man-date) so I was free to watch the Princess Diaries 2 and work on my wedding dress without being shut up in my sewing room.
Riley was so good. He stayed there on the couch ALL afternoon and did not once walk on my silk. Even though I detest our couch (from Salvation Army) and feel that it is possibly the ugliest thing I have ever owned, I find it rather darling that Riley matches it.
Also spent endless hours removing beads from seam allowances for the over-bodice so that I can finally begin putting it together. This was early on in the process. Now that I'm done removing beads (I hope!) I have almost an entire baby food jar full of pearls and sequins.
Last night Jim and I got in a fight over something ridiculous, so I shut myself in my sewing room for hours to work. I got all the silk bodice pieces hand basted to their interlinings, but also got the back skirt pleated, basted and the center back seam sewn. The pleats just got a soft steaming to coax them into holding their beginning shape. After I get the underskirt in all its hugeness finished (it needs a new waist since I hacked off the elastic that it came with) I will put the skirt over it and get the pleats steamed into their final wonderfulness of imitation toosh.
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