Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've made progress, really I have! It's been a little crazy 'round here lately, that's all. Leaves no time for blogging!

We've decided we're not moving, even though we need more space. We looked and looked and couldn't find anywhere that we A. could afford, B. liked, C. had the space we needed. Instead, as I sat around pondering where I was going to put my new industrial (since they are not small beasties) Jim came up with the solution. We were going to swap the master bedroom and the sewing room, giving us a smaller bedroom and me a larger sewing room...with walk in closet that doubles as a dressing room! Great idea! I was so touched that he was willing to squish all of his stuff (and mine) and sleep in the smaller room so that I had more space for sewing. The catch? We decided to do this at 8 pm on Friday night and I had to go to Evansville early the next morning for wedding stuff.

Now, normally when you move, you box everything up from one location and move it into the new, empty location. So, how exactly do you do this when both spaces are already full? Answer: You cart everything from the smaller room into the living room and just start piling things everywhere. Then move the furniture (that will fit) into the smaller room and get the new bedroom set up. Now the fun part, move all the stuff that is now in mounds, piles and explosions all over the house into the new space and try to find things you need. Needless to say, the first week or so in the new room, I didn't get much of any sewing done because I spent all of my time looking for things. This all happened a few weeks ago and I have ALMOST found everything and found homes for everything. I can now walk all the way around my work table without running into anything!!! Now, that's not to say that I still don't occasionally bounce off of things, because who am I kidding? Mounds of space or not, I will still run into things.

Business is booming, time is racing by, I have 31 days until my wedding and my wedding dress is

Drumroll please....

1/2 done.

That's it, only half done. I just cut out the bodice lining night before last. In my defense, the underbodice is completely done except to be attached to the skirt and have its zipper put in. The over bodice is done except for the edge finishes and the buttons and it still needs to be attached (read as "I still need to figure out how I'm going to attach") to the underbodice. The skirt just needs to be hemmed (all 8 yards of it) with horsehair braid and attached to the bodice. Then I just need to figure out the crinoline/lining combination that I want and get that taken care of and put in with the bodice lining and waist-stay. Not too bad really.

Pictures to come as soon and my darling fiance brings the camera home from his business trip.

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